Please be patient and understand that mapstoat is still under development - by only one individual.
So what is all this? Briefly: An iteractive mapping tool.
More specifically, it started as a convention vendor map when photoshop and printed maps became cumbersome. When a convention is setup using this tool, you can easily find where vendors are at a glance with their name next to the designated slot/table. Additionally, search for a vendor by name, or even find a list of all the vendors with a particular tag, and customize a map key to show what interests you. Create your own notes and prepare for who to visit first, and plan ahead for those quick rushes to get in before everyone else.
A number of features are already implimented, though there are so many more to add in the future - benefiting vendors, attendees, and even conventions themselves. For instance, conventions could mark tables with features or even pricing, or allow vendors to swap places amongst themselves or with staff approval. Vendors will be able to create announcements, advertise a flash sale or special commission slots. Of course, for attendees, they will have the benefit of always knowing exactly where everything they want should be!
A little added history, for those further interestet about how this all began. Having regularly attended conventions since 2005, more and more heavily interacting with vendors was becoming quite the task. In 2014 I started compiling a personalized map, using Photoshop and printed it out for myself - marked with key notes and references for my own personal interests. It wasn't long before others with similar interests were asking for copies of these maps, and I was happy to oblidge. However, the upkeep was becoming a difficult task, and others with different interests were always nudging at me for their own versions - so, MapStoat was conceived, and where we are!
Anyway, that about sums things up for now. Thanks for reading! Please bare be patient while working things out. In the mean time, please feel free to create an account and look around!